With Gavin Buehler
For this month’s F.I.T. Tip I’m going to go over the Mini Band Standing Isometric One-Leg Curl to compliment the previous article, “Knee Pain? Tibial Rotation & Hamstrings: Part 1.”
As I alluded to in that previous article, there are other factors to consider with a tibial rotation, one of them being what’s happening at the hip joint. This exercise gives you a great bang for your buck by incorporating functional stability work in the hip as well as targeting the medial hamstrings.
Here are the step-by-step instructions for how to perform this movement along with a video reference and suggested protocols.
Place a mini O-band around the mid-foot (arch area) of the foot you will be standing on first and wrap the other end around the heel of your other foot.
You may use a wall or stable object for balance assistance. Stand tall with head, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles stacked with core engaged and feet about hip width apart and a slight bend in knees.
Anchor foot into the ground making sure that ankle is centered over foot and slightly externally rotate from the hip thinking of corkscrewing into the ground creating a little bit of torque in the hip.
Maintaining a neutral spine, perform a slight hip hinge to load into your glute and hold this posture throughout your set.
Keeping knees aligned with one another, slowly curl heel of foot with band around heel toward your butt as much as possible and hold the maximal contraction for 5-10 seconds or as specified in your program. Slowly return to start and repeat for specified number of reps.
To focus on your medial (inner) hamstrings, internally rotate your foot on the leg you are curling.
To keep knees aligned, you will need to contract glutes and kick leg back slightly, as you curl leg.
Keep hips and shoulders square throughout movement. Avoid lateral hip shift or rotation.
Complete full set with weaker side first before switching.
Recommended Protocols:
2-3 sets, 6-10 reps/side with 5-10 second holds. Start with your weaker side first.
As always, these videos are for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult a health professional before attempting new exercises or protocols, as the following suggestions may or may not be appropriate for you.